WANA (Mar 27) – Kamal Kharrazi, head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not shut down all avenues for negotiation but is prepared for indirect talks to assess the other party, declare its conditions, and make an appropriate decision.


U.S. Strategy: Psychological Warfare

Analyzing the U.S. negotiation strategy and Iran’s lack of enthusiasm for it, Kharrazi said what we observe today in the behavior of the American ruling establishment is a psychological war aimed at instilling the policy of either war or negotiation through contradictory messages from U.S. officials.


He added that Donald Trump’s recent remarks, along with vague references by some American officials to his letter and its widespread coverage in Western and regional media, are intended to create illusory optimism, confusion, and a polarized atmosphere in Iran.


Some inside the country might think a window has opened for resolving the historical disputes between Iran and the U.S., believing Trump sincerely wants to improve relations with Iran, though he faces opposition within the American government, Kharrazi noted.


The Real U.S. Strategy: Negotiation Under Pressure

Posing the question of what is the real U.S. strategy, Kharrazi explained that the U.S. approach is to invite Iran to negotiations while simultaneously intensifying economic sanctions and military threats, aiming to force Iran into talks where neither the governing principles are clear nor past experiences suggest the U.S. can be trusted to uphold its commitments.


He emphasized that this strategy is nothing more than an attempt to impose one side’s will on the other through coercion and threats.


If Trump Knew Iran…

Kharrazi argued that if Trump truly understood Iran and the Iranian spirit, he would have acted differently—whether sincerely or even opportunistically—for the economic benefit of his country. He outlined four key points.


1. Iranians do not tolerate humiliation: Due to their thousands-year-old civilization, Iranians never accept humiliation and do not surrender to foreign threats and pressure. They resisted a heavily armed Ba’athist Iraq, backed by global powers—including the U.S.—and successfully reclaimed their land.


2. Iranians reject bullying but respect sincerity: The Iranian spirit of chivalry does not tolerate bullying and coercion. However, when met with humility and honesty, they respond accordingly.


3. Iran has proven its strength: Iran has not only survived war, political pressure, and economic sanctions but has emerged as a regional power, solidifying its security and independence. Any rational observer would conclude that it is futile to test Iran’s resilience through force.


4. A real negotiation requires respect: Instead of repeating past mistakes, Trump should have sincerely accepted the principles of equality, mutual respect, and refraining from threats and pressure—thus earning the trust of Iranians who seek fair negotiations, not coercion.


U.S. Officials Lack Historical Awareness

Kharrazi criticized new and inexperienced American officials, stating that they lack historical awareness of past failed strategies and continue their bullying approach, believing they can drag Iran into pre-determined negotiations.


However, he reiterated that Iran has not closed all doors to negotiation, stating that the Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared for indirect negotiations to evaluate the other side, declare its conditions, and make an appropriate decision.